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Soundproofing and ICF: STC ratings and Insulated Concrete Forms

Soundproofing and ICF: STC rating of Insulated Concrete Forms

Most homes are not constructed with adequate STC ratings and as a result, noise pollution from outside sources can be heard quite clearly inside. This can be extremely disruptive and stressful for occupants trying to enjoy peace and quiet in their own home.

What is STC

Sound transmission class, or STC, is a rating system used to determine how well a material absorbs sound. The higher the STC rating, the better the sound-absorbing ability of the material.

By adding materials with high STC ratings to your home during construction or renovation, you can greatly reduce unwanted noise intrusion and create a more tranquil living environment.

What Materials to choose for STC

The STC rating is important to understand when selecting materials for your home as it will determine how much outside noise pollution you will be able to hear inside. A higher STC rating means that the material absorbs sound better, so if you are looking for a more peaceful and quiet living environment, make sure to choose materials with high STC ratings.

Insulated Concrete Forms for STC

Insulated Concrete Forms, or ICFs, are a type of construction material that is made up of two layers of concrete separated by an insulation layer. This type of construction can help to reduce noise pollution in your home as the concrete acts as a sound barrier.

The concrete in ICF construction acts as a sound barrier, blocking out external noise pollution. Additionally, the insulation between the layers of concrete absorbs any remaining noise, preventing it from echoing inside your home. This type of construction can be an effective way to create a more peaceful and quiet living environment.

STC rating for ICF

According to Logix your walls can have a minimum of 50 STC with a 4 inch core thickness and up to 56 STC for 6.25 inch Logix wall system. These values include a combination of drywall on both sides as well as 2×2 wood strips in between the drywall and ICF wall.